The Brothers Grimm Tale of Snow White (ISBN 978-1-7342460-4-9) is a play in 3 acts by Michael Wood, which has now been performed three times by the Brush Creek Players in the past 12 years, delighting the audience and the cast alike!
Special “Pandemic Reopening Performance Prices” — SAVE $100! For productions beginning before 6/30/25, order the entire Snow White performance pack — including scripts and unlimited performances (details below) over a 90-day period — for just $275.
Characters Required: 11 male, 6 female, and 3 unspecified (the 11 male characters include the 7 dwarfs, who can easily be portrayed by female actors (as can two of the remainder) – using actors in multiple roles, the show can be performed with as few as 12 actors. Note: Snow White needs to be a singer, and the dwarfs need to be able to sing a simple song as a group.
This stage play is an original creation of the author, based on the tale entitled “Little Snow White,” contained in Children’s and Household Tales, published in 1857 by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. The most familiar version of the story, of course, is not the Brothers Grimm story but the animated Walt Disney production – and some familiar elements of that story are not necessarily suggested by the original tale. To take perhaps the most obvious example, the Prince does not revive Snow White with a kiss. It also is worth mentioning that in the Grimm tale, the dwarfs (there were indeed seven, and they were indeed miners) are neat and tidy and are not named (no one in the Grimm story is named other than Snow White herself). The tale shows Snow White as something of a slow learner when it comes to trusting strangers, as she falls prey to the Evil Queen in 3 different disguises during successive visits!
In order to make the story suitable for production, this play goes well beyond the original tale, creating dialogue, situations and characters not included in the tale as presented by the Brothers Grimm.
The deaths of Snow White’s parents may make the story seem too threatening for young casts and young audiences. However, the loss of the girl’s mother is a critical element of the tale, and the loss of her father (he simply vanishes in the original Grimm story without comment or explanation) is necessary to allow Snow White’s stepmother a free hand as ruler. In any case, children today (and through the ages, for that matter) have generally been exposed to more imaginary death and risk than their parents and other adults may be prepared to acknowledge. Both deaths (the only deaths in the play other than the “death” of Snow White herself) take place offstage.
The magical story of a beautiful princess facing adversity through no fault of her own – and singing with joy even as she faces the challenges her stepmother sets for her – is a timeless one (neither her songs nor those of the dwarfs require musical accompaniment during their performance). This play endeavors to bring that story to a new reality, offering both cast and audience the opportunity to enjoy anew the original story of the young princess, Snow White. Although written to be performed by children (or by a cast of adults and children) and enjoyed by children, there are features in the story that will bring a smile to the face of young and old alike.
- Performance Rights for The Brothers Grimm Tale of Snow White: $35 per performance
- Acting Edition: $8.95 each
- Stage Manager’s Edition: $14.95 each
- Performance Pack: Regularly priced at $375, but now available for just $275 (22 acting edition scripts; 2 stage manager’s edition scripts; electronic script; and unlimited performance rights over a 90-day period)
Contact MDW@evanderpublishing.com for production rights and other orders (or with any questions). Evander will provide an invoice when your order is shipped, payable within 30 days and before any performances occur unless otherwise agreed. You may also contact Evander (text or voice) at (503)508-3682 or by standard mail at 2345 Gibsonwoods Ct. NW, Salem, OR 97304.